Visit R Church in our New Location
in Blue Harbor, Roatan, Honduras
We have services every Sunday at 10 am at our new location in Blue Harbor (Map).
Click here for a Google Map Link. A bus leaves each Sunday from West Bay Mall Parking Lot at 9:15 am to come to the service at no charge. We are located just 5.5 miles from West End.
Whether you were born here, live here part or full time or are simply vacationing in Roatan, Honduras, we invite you to come and worship with us. R Church welcomes everyone to our english speaking, non-denominational Christian service at 10:00 am. We are a diverse and friendly congregation consisting of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Hondurans and Islanders. We believe in great fellowship, worshipping God in Spirit and in truth and teaching God's Word verse-by-verse.
We also offer a Spanish service is at 6:00 pm on Sundays with Pastor Rossell.
We work with many local ministries and churches teaching, evangelizing, doing construction projects, leading worship, assisting with Teams, counseling, and much more. We covet your prayers and support.
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We are currently recording our service and you can watch here for those are unable to attend in person. Archives of earlier Sermon Series are on Facebook Videos.